1. Remove the existing lens from turn signal housing.
2. Remove existing bulb from turn signal housing.
3. Remove any corrosion or dielectric grease from the socket to insure the socket contacts are clean.
4. Using a small flat blade screwdriver, go around the perimeter of the reflector and slightly push the black gasket into the housing to allow proper clearance of the new LED turn signal.
5. Confirm the proper orientation of the socket base and insert the base into the socket. If it seems hard to twist the base in the socket or hard to remove, it is probably orientated the wrong way.
6. Twist the LED turn signal a few rotations to coil wire from the turn signal to the socket base. Insert LED turn signal into housing and install new lens.
7. Insure the notch in the lens gasket is aligned with the notch in the lens.
8. Install the lens on the turn signal housing with the lens notch located at the bottom of the turn signal housing.
1. If there is a gap between the lens and the housing, water will leak into the unit and cause damage, be sure the lens is fully seated all the way around the perimeter.
2. If the lens will not fully seat on the housing, it may be necessary to trim any excess gasket with a small flat blade screw driver.
3. Do not use the lens if any of the tabs are broken, doing so may cause water to enter the housing.
4. Do not install the lens without the ProBEAM® lens gasket in place, doing so will cause water to leak into the housing.