Harley Davidson Garage Door Opener and Custom Dynamics Headlights
There are different versions of the HD Garage Door Opener part number 91558-01. In 2014 with the addition of Dual Filament Headlights from Harley, there was a revision done to the HD Garage Door Opener so it would operate with the new headlights.
The easiest way to identify which version you have is to look and see how many wires are coming out of the transmitter. The new version of the garage door opener has 3 wires instead of 4. They are both the same size, the pictures are deceiving.
How does this effect our headlights?
- The ProBEAM 7” and 5 3/4” will work with both 3 and 4 wire versions.
- The TruBEAM 5 3/4” will work with both 3 and 4 wire versions.
- The TruBEAM 7” will work with the newer 3 wire version but, not the older 4 wire version.
NOTE: 7” TruBEAM comes in 2 versions, old and new. The new version has an internal 1K resistor across the High Beam and Ground wires. The old version does not have an internal 1K resistor. A CDTB-HDO must be added externally across the High Beam and Ground wires for the old version to work correctly with the 3 wire version of the H-D Garage Door Opener(91558-01B).